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Website maintenanceA great web design should work hard for your business and to achieve this you need to make sure your website is well maintained after launch. After all you want to make your site interactive for your customers and give your users the optimum experience at all times. You also want to get noticed by search engines so that you can grab new prospects so proper care and attention to your website is a must. Check out these tips on what you can do to maintain your website once it’s launched.  

4 Tips for Maintaining Your Website after Launch

Have Great Content Management

If you want make a strong first impression with your site visitors, have them engage with your business, and develop loyalty towards your brand then you need to have great content throughout your website. Make sure you have a content management plan to have fresh and compelling content at all times and thoroughly proofread everything before you publish online.

Monitor Google Analytics

By keeping track of your Google Analytics you’ll be able to see how many clicks you are getting per day and which pages your site visitors click the most. Once you have this information you’ll be able to improve your site features on an ongoing basis to achieve the optimum output.

Encourage Feedback and Suggestions

Set up easy ways to capture customer feedback and suggestions on your website. After all, you don’t just want site visitors you want to build up strong relationships too. Encouraging customer feedback can help you know if you’re on the right track with your site and/or if you need to implement (and users expect) some new improvement.

Conduct A/B Testing

Performing A/B testing on your web pages or specific areas of your site (e.g. your quote request form) can help you understand whether your web design is working or not. Data you’ve collected (such as your Google Analytics and customer feedback) can help you set up your own hypothesis first so that you can establish a plan of what you want to assess and may want to change.

To launch and maintain the best website for your business, contact the team at your local Kwik Kopy for an obligation-free website consultation.

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