A landing page is the page your site visitor arrives at on your website with the goal of converting them into leads or sales. They could have arrived there by clicking a Google display or text ad, a link on social media, or from your email marketing campaign.
Never send all your traffic to your homepage, instead make sure landing pages are tailored to meet the various headlines and offers you’re promoting to attract visitors and drive conversions on your site.
Here at Kwik Kopy, we love nothing more than to see our customers achieve off-the-chart conversion rates so here are some tips to set you on the right path.
5 Tips For Building A Great Landing Page
1. Quality over quantity
Make sure your landing pages only give your visitor the information that they will be interested in. This means relevant content that inspires confidence and trust in your brand.
2. Easy to scan
You have approximately 8 seconds to make an impression with your site visitor, so make sure your value proposition is both convincing and can be scanned at a quick glance. This means including:
- Eye catching headlines
- Engaging copy
- Clear calls to action in bold text
3. Information you need
If you are asking visitors to fill out a form, keep your request to a minimum. As a guide – a maximum of seven fields is about right to begin with.
Note: Most visitors are happy to provide a name and email address but if requesting phone numbers and date of birth, your drop off rate can increase by up to 50%.
4. Match keywords
The connection between your ad, email blast or social media link should be consistent with the page your visitor lands on. Never send someone to a generic page to search for what they’re looking for.
5. Make it about them
It’s important to ensure your landing page addresses the all important what’s in it for me? This means making it all about your site visitor and showcasing what you can do for them.
At the end of the day, you have to make it easy for your visitors to get from point A to point B if you’re going to maximise your chance of site conversions.
For help creating the perfect design for your landing pages, speak to the team at your local Kwik Kopy today.